Tuna is the undisputed king fish of sushi. High quality blue-fin tuna can demand an extremely high price in fish market auctions. Blue-fin tuna populations are currently very low. The rarity has the cruel effect of increasing demand, providing fisherman further intensive to hunt what little is left. Other species of tuna are of course available and are also delicious. Tuna meat is categorised into three grades based in the fat content. The lean dark red meat is comparatively the least expensive, and the creamy pink coloured fatty meat from the lower belly is the most expensive. The greater the fat content the softer the texture and smother the taste. The high content of iron present in the meat of these muscular, open ocean predatory fish gives a rich flavour that is typically associated with high quality beef.
Grilled tuna steak is available in Japan, although many would prefer to serve high quality tuna raw. Grilled tuna neck can also be eaten and there are many ways of serving the various cuts or raw tuna as sashimi, or in other raw tuna dishes.
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